

You said I was lazy

Don’t work too hard 

And I said you’re crazy 

Because work’s a sucker’s job 

And I could be a millionaire if I had that golden card 

I’d buy myself a big old house and a fancy car 

And you would be so jealous then

You’d ask me for a ride 

But I’d just drive on 

Drive on and never say good-bye 

Never say good-bye


Some people are born into a pot of gold 

But I was born dreaming

You were born old 

And my dreams just get brighter and brighter and brighter 

With every passing day 

And you’ll keep getting older until you pass away 

But I could be a millionaire if I had that golden card 

I’d buy myself a big old house and a fancy car 

And you would be so jealous then

You’d ask me for a ride 

But I’d just drive on

Drive on and never say good-bye

I’d never say good-bye